Terms of Use


The services of the Autentika Platform are defined by the Operational Nucleus of the Information Society, Public Business Entity (NOSI, E.P.E.), as the managing entity of the Autentika platform, responsible and owner of intellectual property, with all rights reserved to the contents herein.
The user’s permanence in the platform automatically implies the tacit acceptance of these terms of use.

This term is intended to describe the use of the platform with the content of intellectual property that has, aiming, always, the information and knowledge of the user. 

The owner of the platform holds no responsibility for any misuse of the Information contained therein, however, it will do its best to keep all Information updated.

The present "Terms of Use" applicable to the use of the "Autentika" platform, states clearly that the user, must read and review the present terms before accessing its content, given that it establishes obligations to be applied to everyone who interacts with it.

When interacting with the platform, the user accepts and commits to the established rules in an integral manner, under the risk of being criminally penalized. The acceptance of this instrument is a must for accessing the functionalities of the platform. In case of disagreement with the terms and conditions of use contained in this document, the user must not use the platform.

The platform owner reserves the right to update the terms of use periodically, without any notice.

Due to modifications, updates or similar actions that may be necessary to improve the performance and functionality of the platform, access to it may be interrupted, suspended or limited.

Both platform and any functionality offered by it can only be made available to the user once he fully agrees with the applicable legislation and with this term of use.

Minors under 18 years of age or those who do not have full civilian capacity must obtain the prior express consent of their guardians to have access to the functionalities of the platform, being their sole responsibility, access to the content they have.

By using/accessing this platform the user declares that he has full legal capacity, that is, he declares to be over 18 years old and to be able, in accordance with the civil law in force.
To access the platform and use its features and services, it will be necessary to register or join the CMDCV. 

The user must correctly enter the required data, and it is their sole responsibility to update them, as well as their commitment that the data presented are truthful.

The Autentika Platform enables user to authenticate using:
a)    an email and password (basic authentication);
b)    the Cabo Verde Digital Mobile Key; 
c)    The National Identification Card.

The access is individual and the user vows not to inform any person/third party of the data he/she has inserted in the platform and assumes responsibility for the use and actions taken. 

Any activity carried out with the user's login is the user's full responsibility. In case of misuse or loss of the password, the user must quickly change his/her credentials to access the platform. The user account is non-transferable, and shall not be sold, assigned, rented or lent.

All content made available on the platform, including, but not limited to, the sounds, videos, audios, logos, nomenclatures, provisions, illustrations, photographs, artwork, codes, design and software are NOSI's property, being reserved the rights in relation to intellectual property and prohibited its copy without prior express authorization.

The contents contained in this platform are protected, under Legislative Decree nº 1/2009 of 27 April, amended by Legislative Decree nº 2/2017 of 16 November governing the protection of copyright, and by Legislative Decree No 4/2007, August 20 - Industrial Property Code, and other relevant rules, regulations and, applicable national or international intellectual property laws.

This term of use does not assign or transfer to the user of the platform any intellectual property rights over it, being the user limited only to enjoy its functionalities.

Any misuse of the website or the contents contained therein violates NOSI’s intellectual property rights, and is punishable under applicable law.

The user of the site explicitly agrees, TO NOT:

  1. Violate any rights related to privacy or intellectual property, including, without any limitation, patents, trademarks, copyrights, third party privacy;
  2. Modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, delete, store, transmit, sell, resell, publish and any similar acts, of the materials and contents present on the site, except with the express authorization of NOSI;
  3. Violate any of the applicable rules, laws or regulations, export laws, laws against discrimination, laws that violate copyright;
  4. Publish, store, upload, copy any material that:
  • Is considered illegal, defamatory, offensive, misleading, harmful, threatening, fraudulent, embarrassing or obscene;
  •  Interfere in any way with the operations and normal use of the site, such as publishing or transmitting files of viruses, spam, or something similar;
  • Breach of confidentiality;
  • May embarrass or harass a third party with some kind of message or similar behavior;
  • Constitute or may constitute, a breach of site Security measures;
  • Allow access to or use of third party’s account on the site;
  • Aims to use robots or scanning Systems to monitor or access platform files;
  • Tampers with any Information on the site;
  • Pretend to be another person/third party.

Without prejudice to legally applicable measures, the owner may at any time warn, suspend or cancel the user’s access/ account, without any notice and without notice, when he does something that:

  1. Violates the provisions of national legislation, namely copyright and industrial property code, as well as the terms contained in this document;
  2. Does not respect and breach the duties of user;
  3. Has any fraudulent, offensive or malicious behavior towards third parties.
  4. Furthermore, the user must agree with the provisions contained in the Privacy Policy made available, and hereby authorizes the treatment of his/her personal data as provided therein.

In case of any disputes arising out of any controversy, the Cape Verdean legislation will be applied, and the court of jurisdiction will be that of the district of Praia.

Pivacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the terms under which personal data is processed from the autentika.gov.cv platform, managed by the Operational Nucleus of the Information Society, Public Business Entity (NOSI, E.P.E).

Pursuant to this policy, the right to the protection of all Personal Data is safeguarded, pursuant to Law 133/V/2001 of 22 January, as amended by Law 41/VIII/2013 of 17 September, and Law 121/IX/2021, March 17 stipulating the Legal Regime of Data Protection of Natural Persons, voluntarily made available by its owner, user of the platform whose processing is explicitly authorized by him.

Personal Data:
In accordance with the applicable legislation, and for the purposes of this policy, personal data shall be any and all information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, (in particular, name, civil identification number, health information, location information, specific elements of the physical, genetic, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person, etc.).

For the use of the Autentika platform it will be necessary to collect the user's personal data, in order to authenticate, to realize requests for registration of the Cabo Verde Mobile Digital Key (CMDCV), to provide online services, to provide services by conference or teleconference, and to realize requests for cancellation, suspension and reactivation of the CMDCV.

The data collected include:  

  1. Your first name and surname and password (for basic authentication), which will be handled by the NOSI;
  2. Citizen data contained in the National Identification Card (CNI), where the controller is the National Civil Identification and Authentication System (SNIAC);
  3.  Certificate Information, where the controller is the SNIAC.

Rights of the holder:
For the purposes of this policy, the holders of personal data are the natural persons to whom the data relates, who own or intend to own an account on Autentika, or in any way interact with the platform.

All users/ owners have the right to information, access, update and rectification of their personal data.

Controller of personal data:
NOSI is the entity responsible for personal data processing performed from the Autentika platform, defining the data collected, the means of processing and the purposes for which said data will be used.

As the controller, the NOSI:

  1.  Ensures that data processing is done lawfully, transparently, and with respect for the principle of good faith; 
  2.  Ensures that personal data is processed only for the purposes for which it was collected or for purposes compatible with those purposes;
  3. It does not transmit data for commercial or advertising purposes.
  4. The NOSI undertakes to adopt the necessary security measures to ensure the safeguarding of the personal data being processed, against possible misuse, or unauthorized access.

Processing Purposes:
The data collected, among other purposes, are intended for the processing and registration of the user on the Autentika platform as a way to join services of the Public Administration.

Data Protection Officer:
NOSI has appointed a data protection officer.

NOSI's data protection officer can be contacted for clarification of any questions or to lodge complaints at the following email address: nosidsc@nosi.cv.  

Notwithstanding the complaints lodged with the data protection officer, the data subject may also lodge complaints with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD).

Privacy Policy Changes and Updates
This privacy policy, whose careful reading is recommended, can be changed or updated at any time

The changes and updates to this Privacy Policy, as well as its publication, are the sole responsibility of

NOSI, being certain that such changes and updates will apply to the activities and data collected in the future.

Copyright and intellectual property rights
The content of the platform is subject to copyright and related rights, as well as industrial property rights. Such content may not be used outside the conditions laid down in the legislation in force.

Any attempts to change or upload information or other actions that may affect the integrity of the Autentika platform are prohibited.

Competent Court
To resolve any disputes that result from the interpretation or application of this privacy policy, the parties elect as competent, expressly renouncing any other, the Court of the District of Praia.