null Basic Autentication - What is it?

Is a method of authentication that allows citizens, through email and password, to authenticate themselves in different portals and websites of the Public Administration, to carry out services in a secure way.

As a requirement, the user must have an account on the State Technological and Private Network (RTPE) or an account on the Autentika repository.

What is it?

The Cabo Verde Digital Mobile Key (CMDCV) is a simple and secure mechanism for authenticating and digitally signing users of online public services provided by the State of Cabo Verde. It was established by Legislative Decree No. 5/2020, dated July 21.

It consists of a permanent password (PIN) chosen and changeable by the citizen, as well as a numerical code for one-time and temporary use for each authentication. 

The holder of CMDCV can use it to access various digital services on public portals and sign documents with a single login.

How Activate?

The CMDCV can be obtained at any time, after activating the digital functions of the National Identification Card (CNI), in this initial phase.

The request for obtaining can be made through the following channels:

  • In person, by appointment: at the service desks of Casa do Cidadão, at the registries and offices of the Civil Registry and National Civil and Criminal Identification Archive, at the Directorate of Foreigners and Borders, and at accredited services for this purpose within the national territory.
  • Online, on this electronic platform, using the activation button provided below

How to authenticate?

If you obtained the CMDCV by associating your National Identification Card (CNI) number with your mobile phone, you can authenticate yourself on portals and websites by entering the following information:

  • Mobile phone number associated with CMDCV;
  • Permanent authentication password (PIN;
  • Numerical code (PIN) for one-time and temporary use automatically generated by the system and received via SMS or through the CMDCV application installed on your mobile phone.

(AVAILABLE IN THE SECOND PHASE TO BE ANNOUNCED) If you obtained the CMDCV by associating your National Identification Card (CNI) number with your email address, you can authenticate yourself on portals and websites by entering the following information:

  • Identification;
  • Permanent authentication password (PIN);
  • Numerical code (PIN) for one-time and temporary use automatically generated by the system and received via SMS or through the CMDCV application installed on your mobile phone.

Certified by the State of Cabo Verde

Created by Legislative Decree nº. 5/2020 of July 21, the CMDCV is an alternative means of authentication and qualified electronic signature.

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What is it?
How to Authenticate?
Communication between the service provider and Autentika is ensured by the OpenID Connect protocol, allowing applications to securely verify the users' identity and to retrieve profile information....
How to authenticate?
RespostaSim, pode requer a sua revogação a qualquer momento, pelos mesmos canais disponíveis para obtenção. A revogação da CMDCV não impede o cidadão de, a qualquer momento, efetuar novo registo...
RespostaYes, you can request its revocation at any time through the same channels available for obtaining. Revoking the CMDCV does not prevent you from registering again at any time to obtain a new...
RespostaYou do not need to have your National Identification Card (CNI) or a card reader.Texto LigaçãoTarget
How Activate?
What is it?
RespostaDuring the authentication process, some data may have to be shared. By not authorizing the sharing of mandatory data, the access to the private area will be denied.Texto LigaçãoTarget
RespostaCertifique-se que:  O número de telemóvel introduzido está correto; O PIN de autenticação da CMDCV introduzido está correto; O prazo de validade do PIN temporário recebido no seu...
RespostaSe a obtenção da CMDCV tiver sido por via da associação do número do seu CNI, neste caso, não poderá autenticar-se em portais e sítios da Internet da Administração Pública, porque para se...
RespostaSolicitar a alteração do PIN de autenticação da sua CMDCV.  Texto LigaçãoTarget
RespostaSe não consegue utilizar o seu PIN temporário, certifique-se que: O código que está a introduzir é o último que recebeu no seu telemóvel, e que está correto; O código recebido não...
RespostaÉ um mecanismo de simplificação Administrativa que permite aos cidadãos interagirem com os serviços da Administração Pública, de forma segura e confiável, facilitando a solicitação de...
RespostaNo processo de autenticação com a CMDCV, o código válido é aquele enviado na última mensagem que recebeu.Texto LigaçãoTarget
RespostaA CMDCV pode ser suspensa temporariamente, findo o prazo de validade do documento associado acrescido de mais 30 dias. Com a renovação do documento pode a CMDCV ser reativada por um dos...
RespostaSó se pode obter a CMDCV por via da associação do número do CNI a um único número de telemóvel. Poderá, no entanto, alterar o número de telemóvel utilizado na obtenção da CMDCV a qualquer...